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  • Protect the Pension Promise for all teachers

    • Whether currently collecting an OTPP pension, working towards retirement or beginning a career in education, all teachers deserve and earn their defined benefit Ontario Teachers' Pension.  This hard-fought right must be protected and preserved - now and for the future.


  • ​Promote and Protect Publicly Funded Education

    • A strong public education system is essential to protecting and promoting an educated, inclusive, thoughtful and diverse democracy that works for the good of all citizens - locally, provincially, nationally and globally.  The use of one-off cash bribes to parents from the Ford government instead of supporting in-school tutoring and pandemic related catch-up supports for students; their ongoing attempt to force mandatory e-learning at the secondary level; and their chronic underfunding of education to create a crisis are all steps in their agenda to defund and privatize publicly funded education in Ontario.  Their current attack on the health care system and the privatization of surgeries should be a clear warning of their plans for publicly funded education in Ontario.  We must all stand, shoulder-to-shoulder, with our Affiliate partners, education worker unions, the general public and the wider labour movement to protect Ontario's world class publicly funded education system.


  • Co-operation and Collaboration​​​

    • Your OECTA Governors continue to build bridges, find common ground, and keep the concerns of all teachers front and centre in their roles as governors.  By operating with mutual respect to work collaboratively towards our common goals, we will achieve success.

Andrew Robertson.  Working For Our Common Future. 2025.

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